Excellence Versus Perfection

Perfectionism is a myth. Perfection leaves no room for error and sets such high and unattainable standards for yourself and others that they can never be reached. It can ruin friendships, marriages, and oppress the children of those that demand perfection.

You might be thinking of when Jesus said, “Be perfect as I am perfect,” but perfect in the original language means mature, whole, complete. Let’s apply apply the mindset of the perfectionist to raising children. Perfectionism leaves no room for your infant, toddler, and adolescent to ever make a mistake, ever fall and skin his or her knee, and never do anything wrong. Does that sound reasonable? If not, why do you hold yourself to such standards. God wants you whole, mature, and complete, which takes growth and renewing of your mind with the Word of God.

Possess An Excellent Spirit

Excellence is the opposite of perfectionism. It is NOT based in striving. It is NOT based in performing. It is based in the ANOINTING. Here is the definition:

Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have coupled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit making what you do supernaturally excellent

Daniel 6:3 says that Daniel had an excellent spirit. The Hebrew picture is a MOUNTAIN THAT JUTS ABOVE THE REST. Daniel distinguished himself by the spirit of excellence in his life. In Daniel 5:12-14, we see that Daniel’s reputation preceded him with Nebuchadnezzar’s son. Through excellence, Daniel was able to solve riddles, had understanding and knowledge, could interpret dreams, and jutted above the sorcerers and magicians in the king’s court. In fact, his excellence caused people to recognize his God.

Excellence is marked by wisdom. It is God’s wisdom not human wisdom. Wisdom is “skill, tact, expertise in any art…skill in the affairs of life, practical wisdom, wise management as shown in forming the best plans and selecting the best means, including the idea of sound judgment and good sense.”

Realize that your performance and striving mean nothing to God. It is only faith that pleases Him–faith in His anointing, in His Holy Spirit, in His grace, and in His divine ability.