How to Have Victory in EVERY Area of Life

By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,” concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense (Heb. 11:17-19).

Abraham is called the “father of faith” for a reason. He is one of the best people to study in the Old Testament concerning faith. The Hebrew nation was formed through his faith in God’s promise. When God told him that he would have a son, he believed. That simple.

Fast forward to Abraham’s test concerning Isaac. Isaac was of age and had to CHOOSE to submit to his father’s will. He didn’t say a word but laid down on the altar trusting his father all the way. The reason Abraham could obey the word of God to sacrifice his son is because 1) he had seen Him keep His word already and 2) God had promised him that his descendants would come through Isaac. The only conclusion Abraham could come to was that God would RESURRECT ISAAC!


Faith in the resurrection gives you eternal vision to enable to live your life with the kingdom of God as priority. If it wasn’t for the resurrection of Jesus, we would have had our sins forgiven due to the cross but would have remained with our old nature. It was required that Jesus resurrect so He could impart His nature and Spirit to us!

As beings that house the RESURRECTED CHRIST on the inside of us, RESURRECTION RESULTS should be normal. Victory, success, casting out of devils, divine healing, divine peace, signs and wonders, and authority over death and every enemy are resurrection provisions so we can REIGN IN LIFE. Wherever you see death or consistent lack in your life, you need to release resurrection power and life that is based in a legit faith in your heart that results in NOW FAITH. You recognize now faith by speaking about things that are not as though they are. Isn’t that what God does? You have Him in you; therefore, that is what you are to do.