In the Beginning Was the Kiss!
As in the last blog, "Where Does Love Start? Head? Or Heart?" I explained the chemical cocktail released when we “fall in love.” God designed our bodies this way so we would find our lifelong lover and stay committed. Now let me take you on a journey through your body when you kiss your honey.
Let Him Kiss Me with the Kisses of His Mouth
Song of Songs 1:2 (NKJV)
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth– For your love is better than wine.
Aaahhh, the beauty of young love. It is literally an addiction (really! science has proven it). The nuclear force chemical reactions that occur in the body are intoxicating (hence better than wine). What you feel during sexual contact has to pass through the brain.
Your lips have more nerve endings than almost any other part of your body (the clitoris has the most). Sensations travel through your body 350 feet per second. Chemicals are fired in the brain and carry the kiss to the cortex. The cortex asks, “Is this sexy?” and then goes into the long-term memories in your limbic system on what you have decided is sexy from past experiences.
Next, you begin to release an intoxicating scent from the sweat in your armpits. I’m serious. Your sweat smell is an aphrodisiac to your honey and his to yours. This smell heads straight to your limbic system, down your spine, and to every corner of your body.
As the “heat” is turned up so to speak, these wonderful sensations cause blood flow and signals to prepare the sexual organs for intercourse. The female’s clitoris swells with anticipation. The brain triggers your honey’s brain to release nitrous oxide to relax his muscles so blood can rush to his male organ. And…well, you know what comes next.
Divinely Designed
In something as simple as a kiss, God designed your body to take it further within the context of marriage. This is why it is so important to encourage young Christian men and women to save their kiss and romance until married.
Song of Songs 2:7 (NKJV)
7 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases.
Both “stir up” and “awaken” mean to arouse. Love refers to the “powerful and intimate love between a man and a woman.”
When my son and now daughter-in-law were dating and later engaged, they decided to remove romance. They noticed a couple of things. First, they didn’t fight as much. Second, their friendship deepened. And, third, it kept them pure for their wedding day.
For those of us already married, we can set of the fireworks of intimacy with a kiss! Isn’t that brilliant of God!