You will look at a wonderful story today of the goodness of God. King Manasseh was the longest reigning of all the kings. He was able to restore stability and some prosperity back to Judah and Jerusalem after the Assyrians took so much during Hezekiah’s reign. But King Manasseh did so much evil during his reign that the biblical authors equate Manasseh as the number one reason for God’s judgment on Judah! He even sacrificed his own son to idols! He did more evil than the nations that were destroyed for their evil ways! Prosperity is not a sign of God’s approval, contrary to what some believe! In the end, when King Manasseh had been taken captive and he was in distress, he called out to God and repented. God was moved and brought him out of captivity and set him back as king. Wow! What an amazing display of how good and full of mercy God is! Also, this is a must listen because there is an anointed excerpt about the end of the age! Join me today, you won’t be sorry!


The Reformer King


The Most Dangerous Time For A Believer