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History is His story. I want to take you back to the time of the seven churches in Asia Minor and the treasures contained in their stories.
Persecution has been unleashed against the church. Christianity has been condemned by the Jews providing a legal means to turn Christians in to the Roman authorities as religious deviants not deserving of legal protection. At the same time, Rome demanded absolute loyalty to the emperor causing the Christians even more trouble because they refused to worship any earthly king. Behind the scenes, the great adversary, satan, was trying to kill the newly formed body of Christ. John, one of the original 12, is exiled to the Isle of Patmos for his faith in Jesus the Christ. One Sunday, he is worshiping in the Spirit and suddenly One like the Son of Man appears and unveils the end of the age to him. However, He first addresses His churches in Asia. Why?
The Spirit of God spoke me and let me know that the name of each city, their location, and their history was directly related to the message He gave them and that these messages contain keys for the end-time church to successfully navigate the end of the age and His return. We will examine each church in-depth, and mysteries will be solved, the hidden manna, the white stone, the real meaning of being cold or hot, and more. The Lion is speaking. Will you hear His roar in the Revelation?