By this time, you should have completed all of the Ekklesia training. This section is a de-churchifying. Let me explain. When we shifted from the typical church system to the First Century Ekklesia model, we went through a year of Holy Spirit “detoxing” from church doctrine and mindsets that weren’t scriptural. Let me give you a few examples:

  • You have to go to church on Sunday.

  • You are still a sinner.

  • God heals sometimes.

  • He works in mysterious ways.

  • Ministers versus those who are not.

  • A shift from a one-man show to all being ministers.

  • God is in control.

  • Only the select few can prophesy.

The list goes on and on. Since then God has given us revolutionary revelation that fast-tracked our transformation, equipped us to do the work of ministry with confidence, and to actually see tangible and practical results! The revelation below is the majority of what He gave us and is required training for those of you that want to form an ekklesia based on the original blueprint with us! It will detox and empower you and your community! But take your time. You can go through this individually or as a group. Either way, I recommend discussion as an ekklesia.

We have many more teachings on this site, but these are the most important and required training for those who want a successful ekklesia!



We’ve all heard it—you must know your identity in Christ; and, yet, most of what I’ve heard taught is about as far from your identity as pre-born again!

For me (Sherri), personally, this has been the most life-changing study I’ve ever studied and written. All the guilt-driven decisions, the never measuring up, and the feeling that God was never happy with me disappeared.

In this study (which I conducted on FB), we go through the book of Ephesus line-by-line using The Mirror Bible. You can download it as an app or purchase on Amazon.

the indwelling

The indwelling, God in man, is the greatest aspect of being born again. Paul’s doctrine was simple. God became Man. God died and rose from the dead. God imparted His nature to those who believe. God now lives in man. Bam! Here is proof! Unfortunately, wrong doctrine and neglect about Holy Spirit has limited the believer in defeat and limitation. It is time to break out into who you are and Who is in you!

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galatians: who has bewitched you?

One of the most surprising facts about the body of Christ is how legalistic we tend to be. You have those on the extreme who believe we should live under the Law. And you have those that might not believe that but still live under a performance-based mindset—often not even knowing it. Galatians is one of THE best books in the New Testament that shatters all of the above. The old was a picture of the future. And New Testament ministers that try to carry the old into the new actually hinder the grace of God in the lives of believers, including themselves. This series breaks it down line by line!

purple rain

Earlier in 2018, the Lord gave a vision to one of our core members of a purple rain falling and as it hit the ground, it created a mist. She then saw believers awaken as they inhaled the midst. Purple represents righteousness. Based on this vision, Holy Spirit directed Dr. Sherri to study in depth what true righteousness looks like! And it might surprise you. It has nothing to do with behavior. It’s not something you will one day have. It’s a present reality. Learn the truth about righteousness!


doctrines of devils

Did you know the antichrist spirit loves pulpits? He’s made good use of them! There are many doctrines taught every Sunday in churches across America that are not only unscriptural, but they are designed to keep believers in a continuous state of immaturity and failure. Of course, many pastors have no idea they are doing such a thing. Could that be why James encouraged that not many should be teachers because the punishment is greater? It is crucial that the pure Word be taught. This series (done years ago) exposes some of the most common doctrines of devils in the body of Christ today.

the government of god

Jesus named His church, ekklesia, a Greek word that had been used 600 times at that point. By using this word, His disciples understood very plainly what He meant, a ruling, political body. The ekklesia is God's government on earth with more authority than any earthly government. In this new series, you'll learn EXACTLY what that looks like today reinforcing your idea of the ekklesia on earth!


wolves among us

The apostles spent a lot of time talking about false teachers, doctrines, and prophets. The main job of elders is to watch for wolves. Yet, why do we not hear about these things today? Many of the epistles stressed that as the end of the age approaches, the false will increase. I wrote this series over a decade ago and then Holy Spirit directed me to teach it again in 2019. This is an especially important message for Ekklesias, because wolves love to infiltrate them and destroy them.

faith 2.0

Faith is more than mental assent. It's supernatural. We possess the "Spirit of faith" so we can operate in the God-kind of faith. We don't have to rely on our own faith, but we can draw from His faith. Faith also has a language. It’s present tense not future tense. It’s not a hope. It’s a reality. And it's time for Christians to get results! Find out how in this life-changing series!


prayer 2.0

Have you ever been at a prayer meeting and you’re bored to tears? There’s a reason for that. The ekklesia is first and foremost a house of prayer. But I want you to erase all ideas and experiences you’ve had with prayer in church. You learn how to create a portal of presence, prayer and the anointing, how to pray with the Holy Spirit, the different types of prayer, how to get results, and how to war in prayer with your prophetic words!

why do bad things happen

Have you ever wondered that? Many believe it’s just part of living in this world system. If you’re like me, such pat answers don’t work. You know there’s more to it that what most have said. This is one of the most significant series I’ve taught. For too long, Christians either indirectly or directly blame God for bad things that happen, which reveals a lack of understanding both Word and Father’s character. I lay a foundation on the two types of temptation and God’s will in it all plus answer the question of why. On top of that, I show you how it’s really supposed to be. I guarantee that a lot of what’s in this series, you’ve probably never heard explained!
