Way Of Kings: God's Original Intent For Rule

In this new series you will start by looking into God’s original intent for mankind and how He intended for us to rule. To do this, we will start at the beginning. This will be an important study because everything on earth is patterned after everything in heaven. You will delve into the original language and broaden your understanding of God and His divine counsel and just who they are! You’ll learn that God has a heavenly counsel but also an earthly counsel, which is us. We are His ekklesia, a marketplace of government leaders and business owners and people designed to discuss and decide laws, battle strategy, and kingdom expansion. It’s our job to expand His kingdom here on earth and we cannot do that from the four walls of our church. Our churches should be equipping stations or gatherings to help others become equipped in their calling and destiny, and then sent out as Jesus sent the seventy. Currently our churches have become meetings with rigid rules, singing 3 fast and 4 slow songs, and listening to a thirty minute message. We can’t change the world by drawing them into our building twice a week! It was never God’s original intention! Discover God’s desire for man and a woman and how they were to rule. Learn the devil’s three tactics he’s used from the beginning. Listen and study with us today!