The By Product of Wisdom Part 2

Just what is the by-product of wisdom? How do you get it? Why is it so important to have? You will get the answers in this eye-opening conclusion to the teaching on the by-product of wisdom. Not only riches and wealth and honor are contained in wisdom, but discernment as well. Without discernment, well…we end up right where we’re at today. We have ungodly leaders and churches closing and pastors slipping into sin at an unprecedented rate. This is why wisdom is so important. It is a process of walking out what God tells us one step at a time. This requires us to foster a relationship with him and to hear his voice. Solomon was the wisest man on earth at that time. What happened? Why did Solomon see a reversal of all he had in the end? He did not live up to the revelation that he possessed. He turned from the ways of God and all he knew to do and chose to disobey. He began to worship other God’s and his vision became distorted or lost. It’s a sad end and a lesson for us today. We can avoid this happening in our lives and country if we will not only renew our mind and search for wisdom, but do what the Lord tells us step by step!