Show Yourself

Today, we are going to look at Elijah and his confrontation with Ahab and the evil prophets. You’ll see that even in the most evil and corrupt times, God always has people behind the scenes who are faithful to Him! I love that! You will follow Elijah through his ordeal and learn some little known facts along the way! After the Lord sends fire and burns Elijah’s offering and he has the spectacular victory recorded in Kings for our benefit, Elijah gets discouraged. The greatest opportunity for the enemy is right after a victory. A lesson we can take away from this is that being so task focused can be dangerous. It’s necessary to see yourself as God sees you. Ask Him today as I did, to reveal to you any perception of yourself or of Him that is contrary to the truth. Pursue intimacy-sourced obedience to what He tells you and when complete, stay connected to Him. What are other lessons you can learn from Elijah today?