Picked The Wrong Fight

I’m excited to look into a life of a king today that actually did what was right in the eyes of the Lord! King Hezekiah was the first ruler to get rid of the high places along with idolatrous sites and instruments. He trusted in the Lord and did all that was right just like David had done. He was dedicated to the Lord and the results were prosperity, success and military dominance! When the toughest country in the known world came against him, he brought his problem before the Lord for an answer. He prayed and ultimately God delivered them in an astounding way! The resemblence to our country today is uncanny. As our country continues to call for the sacrifice of our youngest, and shake our fist in arrogance at the God who founded this country to begin with, the responsibility rests on Christians to change things! Find your part in bringing America back to her godly roots. Today’s lesson will inspire you!