With Opportunity Comes Opposition

Can I ask you a question? Have you ever noticed that when a door of opportunity or a promotion in the kingdom occurs, there is an unleashing of opposition? I have noticed this pattern for years in my own life and ministry. I want to give you some good news: It’s a sign you’re on the right path for your life!

For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. (1 Cor. 16:9).

The door Paul is referring to was a MEGA (in the Greek) door that would actively and energetically further the gospel and make disciples in an accelerated fashion. Once the door opened, Paul was greeted by adversaries, people demonically inspired that had been “placed against” him to prevent any progress.

Warfare is centered around your message…

You carry a message from God that is uniquely yours. You have traits and gifts He has given you that define who you are and the people He will send you to. Peter the Apostle ministered mostly to the Jews. Paul the Apostle was assigned to the Gentiles or non-Jews. Both underwent a level of persecution based upon the influence they carried. I’ve heard it said, “New level. New devil.” I don’t want to give the devil any glory. But let’s not be ignorant of his methods and devices. The more dangerous you become to him, the more desperate he gets. He is a stripped powerless foe. For this reason, he seeks to use people, circumstances, or yourself to STOP, DELAY, or DEVOUR your progress and destiny.

Watch these three areas…

Dr. Harfouche, states, “Where it says in the Bible not to give the devil place, that implies that he doesn’t have a place. Therefore, he seeks to find a place by what YOU ALLOW in your mind and life. The enemy will use the following three areas to gain access into your mind to stop you."

  1. Sin. I’m amazed at how easy it is for a strong Christian to fall. Usually, it begins with pride, getting too busy, growing lukewarm, and then justifying certain thoughts and actions. Before you know it, the Christian has fallen and all he or she was involved in and the people in his or her life are negatively impacted. And I guarantee the enemy always has a select few individuals that enter your life to promote your downfall at the perfect time. He usually disguises it as “helping” someone or ministry. Transparence and radical action are necessary to prevent a fall. If the believer falls, the enemy then keeps him or her bound in condemnation for years.

  2. Circumstances. This can be so frustrating. God gives you a vision. He opens the door. You step through. Then, suddenly, all hell breaks loose! Your stuff starts breaking, financial pressure increases, relationships become strained, etc. These circumstances are designed to wear you out mentally and physically so the enemy can move in and cause your fall. The best thing to do is stay peaceful, rebuke the storm and tell it to sit down, and keep on moving! If you don’t, the enemy will seek to cause offense and bitterness toward God.

  3. People. The dominant persecution tool in the Bible was people. Paul suffered shipwreck, snake bites, arrest, etc., but the time he cried out for deliverance from the thorn in his flesh that was a “messenger of satan” sent to buffet him. If you study this out, you find it was NOT sickness but religious Jews following him from town to town hindering and stopping his ministry work. Jesus reigned over circumstances but His greatest obstacles were religious people. I’m not talking about people who have a reason to not like you. I am referring to those who seem only to live to gossip about you and hinder the work God has given you.

God is doing you a favor…

For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. (Phil. 1:29)

The word “granted” means “to do someone a favor.” To share in His sufferings is the utmost honor. But it also makes us worthy of the kingdom. In fact, it is how we ENTER the kingdom. We are soldiers in the army of God being prepared for a great battle at the end when Christ establishes His kingdom of earth by the battles we face now. Don’t lose focus. The real enemy is the devil.