Dr. Sherri Wilson along with her husband, Dr. Mike Wilson are committed to helping you discover and live your purpose on earth. You were born with a specific design for a specific assignment that only you can accomplish. Three things are needed to fulfill that assignment:
Relationship | Revelation | Reactivation
Relationship is restoration of how God originally designed you. Your relationship with God should be vibrant, intimate, and full of joy and glory. Your Father also designed you to have relationships with others in His family for encouragement and growth.
Revelation is an unveiling of the message of Christ, which is not just that He came to save. He came to give you a new nature not just to pre-fall status but His own nature. He is not a model for you but of you!
Reactivation is the final step in which you discover the unique gifts, talents, and functions your Father gave you. Many of us find that our greatest battles and rejections by others are actually the very gifts He gave us for our destiny. The enemy seeks to destroy them so you never step into your assignment.